December 04, 2022
Why you can’t afford to miss your free shot this season?

As the cold weather approaches, it is important to stay healthy and protect yourself from the flu season. The flu vaccine is an important part of staying healthy and protecting yourself from the virus. In Brampton, Ontario, there are a number of places to get a flu vaccine to ensure you’re protected this winter. From local pharmacies to family doctors, there are many options when it comes to getting your flu shot.

What are the flu symptoms

Flu season is here and it’s important to know what the signs of flu are so that you can protect yourself from this dangerous illness. Knowing the symptoms of flu can also help determine if you need to see a doctor or get a flu vaccine in Brampton, Ontario.

The most common symptoms of the flu include fever, chills, body aches, headaches, fatigue and coughing. Other less common symptoms may be sore throat, runny nose and congestion. It’s important to note that not all people experience all these symptoms when they have the flu; some may only experience a few while others may experience several of them at once. The severity of these symptoms will vary too depending on each individual case.

Some people with weakened immune systems are in danger of developing complications from influenza.

Types of Flu Vaccines

The most common type of flu vaccine is an inactivated vaccine, which contains small amounts of killed viruses that stimulate an immune response without causing illness. It is available as a shot or nasal spray and does not contain live viruses so it cannot cause the flu. Another option for those over 65 years old is the high dose influenza vaccine which contains about four times more antigen than regular shots and may provide better protection against influenza despite age-related decreases in immunity.

Benefits of Flu Vaccine

The flu vaccine is an effective way to prevent the spread of influenza in Brampton, Ontario. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyone over 6 months of age get the flu vaccine each year to protect themselves and others. Receiving a flu vaccination has many benefits, including reducing the risk of getting the virus or having serious complications if you do get sick.

Not only does it help keep individuals healthy, but it can also help prevent outbreaks in communities like Brampton by decreasing the transmission of the virus. Getting vaccinated can also save healthcare costs associated with treating severe cases of influenza as well as lost wages due to missed work days from illness. It’s important for those at high risk from developing serious complications from influenza, such as young children, seniors 65+, pregnant women and people with certain medical conditions to receive their annual vaccine before flu season begins.

Accessibility & Availability

Getting a flu shot is easy and free. Most primary healthcare providers accept OHIP cards to cover the costs of vaccination. Additionally, some pharmacies offer free vaccinations with no appointment necessary – meaning you can get vaccinated quickly and conveniently when it works best for your schedule.

There are also many walk-in clinics available that provide comprehensive health care services, including vaccines.

Health Considerations

The flu season is quickly approaching, and it’s essential for everyone to take the necessary steps to ensure their health and safety. For those living in Brampton, Ontario, getting vaccinated against the flu virus is a key preventative measure that should be taken. The flu vaccine can help protect individuals from catching the flu, as well as reduce its severity if they do become ill.

It’s important to remember that while vaccinations are effective at reducing the spread of illness among individuals who receive them, it does not provide 100% protection from getting sick. Therefore, people should also focus on other methods of prevention such as washing hands regularly and avoiding contact with anyone who may have contracted the virus. Additionally, if someone does become ill with symptoms similar to those of influenza, seeking medical attention right away is highly recommended in order to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.


Getting a flu shot is an important part of staying healthy this season. It can help prevent catching the virus and spreading it to others. Brampton, Ontario has numerous locations available for individuals to get their flu shot, including many pharmacies and doctor’s offices across town. In addition, there are free clinics open during the fall months for those who may not have access to a pharmacist or physician.

The best way to protect yourself from catching the flu is still by washing your hands regularly with soap and water, avoiding contact with people who are sick, and covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue or elbow. However, getting vaccinated is also essential for reducing one’s risk of contracting serious illnesses from influenza viruses.

Get your free flu shot today at Sheridan Medical Center. You can make an appointment by calling +1 (905) 452-8881 or by via email at

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As the cold weather approaches, it is important to stay healthy and protect yourself from the flu season. The flu vaccine is an important part of staying healthy and protecting yourself from the virus.



I love this place because it’s quick when you book an appointment, usually the doctor is late but if you book the first appointment you aren’t waiting too long. I absolutely love the pharmacy too! The ppl there are kind and knowledgeable

Blair Lamanna, Ontario

Went in with a really terrible case of strep throat. I had to wait over an hour, (there was only one doctor working that day) but Dr. Chakraborty was well worth the wait! It took her all of a minute to figure out the problem and prescribe me everything I needed to get feeling better, and she has an absolutely lovely bedside manner. The pharmacy next door was super fast and the prices on over the counter medications were very reasonable. I’ve never had to wait less than 30 minutes for a prescription to be filled and the pharmacist here had it done in under 5. Everyone was very thorough in asking about my allergies or any other medical concerns I might have, and I felt very well taken care of in my condition. While the initial wait time can seem rather daunting, the quality and speed of service after that was outstanding.

Summer Bates, Ontario

The staff here and Doctor Mallika are amazing.. Referrals are made quick, prescription sent fast and I get my pills on time. I have never ever been disappointed by Doctor Mallika, I wish all doctors were like her.
I highly recommend this clinic

Dilly Saga, Ontario